Our Story

Over the last few years Japanese food has become more popular than ever. Although, after I met Steve I discovered what gluten free meant and found that lots of people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance were missing out on the rich flavours and culture of Japanese cuisine.

Most of our friends and family in Australia know about sushi or teriyaki from Japanese restaurants but aren’t too familiar with home cooked style Japanese recipes. We have spent countless fun hours in the kitchen testing and creating delicious gluten free recipes to all of my childhood favourites, so you can make these at home! None of our recipes are too difficult and all the ingredients are easy to find.

While making Japanese food at home is great! It doesn’t compare to travelling around Japan and eating the seasonal specialities each region has to offer. Unfortunately, Japan is still slowly learning about gluten free and this can make a trip to Japan quite daunting and scary if you have celiac or a gluten intolerance. But don’t despair, we want to provide as many travel hints and tips as possible so you can enjoy the full taste and flavours Japan has to offer.

Steve and I met while I was completing university in Brisbane, Australia. It was love at first sight! We have gone through the highs and lows of a normal couple and were married in 2016 in Brisbane, then again in 2017 in Osaka, Japan. I am lucky to have married the same person twice in two countries 🙂

Meeting Steve was the first time I heard about celiac disease and gluten free. When having our wedding ceremony in Japan I was worried as not only does Steve have celiac but most of his family too! However, with preparation and planning the day went off without a hitch.

Please enjoy our website and feel free to contact us about any recipes, ingredients, travel or anything you like 🙂

Arigato Gozaimasu!

Kaori & Steve