欧米諸国でのグルテンフリー基準 (A definition of GF in overseas) 


Previously, we focused on the reality of GF in Japan. Unfortunately, it is still behind and a lot of misunderstanding of GF exist. This time, we would like to share a definition of GF in overseas.

欧米でのセリアック病の認知度 (A recognition of Celiac disease in Anglo Saxson countries)


Unlike Asian countries, Celiac disease in Anglo-Saxon countries are quite common. There are approximately 3 millions people in the UE and 1 every 100-130 people in European countries. Without going into details, a definition of Gluten free in those countries are comprehensive and requirements for gluten free are strict.

グルテンフリー基準 A definition of Gluten free

Ref. what does 20PPm gluten really look like? by Children’s national hospital.


According to FDA (Food and Drug administration), they standardised a limit of less than 20ppm for the lowest allowable of Gluten in food as “Gluten Free”. No ingredients that is any type of wheat, rye, barley or cross breeds of these grains. As per a photo above, you can tell 20ppm is barely any. However, some sensitive celiac people can react to this tiny bit of gluten. Needless to say, they cannot put gluten free labelling if they use same facility with gluten products unlike Japanese products. On the contrary, they would describe as “may contain gluten”