Gluten free voucher in Europe 1 グルテンフリー補助券 1


As you may notice, most allergen free food are more expensive in Japan. Even in Europe where they have a lot of GF products, they have same tendency. I feel sorry that people, who can only eat these products due to their health condition, have to extra for everything. This is not their choice but only solution to live. Thankfully, in Europe, there are some special supports for them.

In Italy (イタリアの場合)


When you think about Italian food such as Pizzas and various pastas, you would probably think it is hard for Celiac people to live in. However, they are probably one of the best countries to eat out GF food at a restaurant without any problems thanks to local celiac association (AIC). They organise events and training to increase the recognition and the critical knowledge about celiac to people working in hospitality industry, so they can offer GF options to Celiac people. Since Italy uses under 20ppm gluten labelling requirements like other European countries, food you can see at the shops are of course safe too. Additionally, people who are diagnosed as Celiac in Italy can get special vouchers which can buy GF. Value can be differed based on age and gender as below table. This is calculated in the aspect of nutrition as well as calories requirement.

Ref. date in 2018 extracted from AIC

GF基準が一番厳しい国はどこ?Which country has the strictest requirement for GF labelling?

前回のポストで欧米諸国でのグルテンフリー基準 (A definition of GF in overseas) についてお話ししました(まだ見てない方は上をクリックしてみてください😊)。欧米諸国では20ppm以下のグルテンにしかグルテンフリーのラベルが表示できないという厳しい基準が定められていますが、実はそれより厳しい制限をしている国があります。

Previously we talked about a definition of GF in overseas. If you have not read it, feel free to check it out by clicking a link here. 欧米諸国でのグルテンフリー基準 (A definition of GF in overseas) We explained how strict they require for GF labelling in Anglo Saxon countries and what 20ppm gluten looks like. Believe or not, there is a country uses even tougher requirement than under 20ppm gluten.

ノングルテンのグルテンフリーの国 absolutely non gluten country

アルコールフリー(Alcohol Free)が0.05%以下のアルコール度数と定められており、ノンアルコールと違うように、グルテンフリーは世界的に20ppm以下のグルテン度数であり、ノングルテンとは意味合いが少し違います。しかしオーストラリアではグルテンフリーのラベル基準がなんとノングルテンでなければなりません。その理由としてオーストラリアでは遺伝性の高いセリアック病の方がまだ診断されていない人達を含むとなんと70人に1人の割合でいるといわれているからです。アメリカでGFフリーとして売られているオーツ麦はオーストラリアではGFとして認めておられず、あくまでも輸入品の基準で販売されています。

Some of them might misunderstand a definition of alcohol free drinks, it may actually contain under 0.05% alcohol unlike non alcohol drinks. In same way, a definition of GF is under 20ppm in many countries but it is not same as non- gluten product. However, according to Coeliac Australia, Gluten free food must not contain any detectable gluten; oats or oat products; cereals containing gluten that have been malted, or product of such cereals. It means GF oats sold in the US is not GF in Australia. You can only see them as imported items under FDA GF standard. In Australia, 1 in 70 people have celiac disease in Australia, yet 4 out of 5 have not diagnosed. This is surprisingly high probability.

グルテンフリー商品がいっぱい So many GF products


Without saying, there are so many GF food in Australia. Two big supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths have own branding products for GF ( allergen free products). They are slightly cheaper than other brand products. But still they are more expensive than normal products. I wish government could take more consideration into people who have only GF option choice not for healthy life style but their life. We will talk about this next time.

欧米諸国でのグルテンフリー基準 (A definition of GF in overseas) 


Previously, we focused on the reality of GF in Japan. Unfortunately, it is still behind and a lot of misunderstanding of GF exist. This time, we would like to share a definition of GF in overseas.

欧米でのセリアック病の認知度 (A recognition of Celiac disease in Anglo Saxson countries)


Unlike Asian countries, Celiac disease in Anglo-Saxon countries are quite common. There are approximately 3 millions people in the UE and 1 every 100-130 people in European countries. Without going into details, a definition of Gluten free in those countries are comprehensive and requirements for gluten free are strict.

グルテンフリー基準 A definition of Gluten free

Ref. what does 20PPm gluten really look like? by Children’s national hospital.


According to FDA (Food and Drug administration), they standardised a limit of less than 20ppm for the lowest allowable of Gluten in food as “Gluten Free”. No ingredients that is any type of wheat, rye, barley or cross breeds of these grains. As per a photo above, you can tell 20ppm is barely any. However, some sensitive celiac people can react to this tiny bit of gluten. Needless to say, they cannot put gluten free labelling if they use same facility with gluten products unlike Japanese products. On the contrary, they would describe as “may contain gluten”




みなさんがグルテンフリーと聞いて思いつくのは何ですか?最近ではグルテンフリーのお店や商品も増えてきたので少し知識がある方もおられるかと思います。私も正直数年前までは全く知りませんでした。私がグルテンフリーを知ったきっかけは主人にあります。彼はセリアック病を持っており、グルテンフリーの物しか飲食できません。(セリアック病って何という方はこちらをチェックしてみてください😊About Celiac disease (セリアック病))出会った当初は全く無知だったため、手探りで日本の食材のラベルを片っ端からチェックして料理をしていました。今では大体わかるので毎回チェックすることはなくなりましたが、新製品や未使用の物に出くわした時には必ずラベルチェックが欠かせません。


この商品はWheat Free Oates(小麦不使用)と記載されていますがグルテンフリーとは記載なし。
こちらはWheat freeに付け加えてグルテンはないと黄色い文字で記載ありのグルテンフリーオーツ。




Recognition of “Gluten Free” in Japan

First of all, we just want to make it clear that the main purpose of this account is to introduce accurate knowledge of gluten free in Japan. Not to criticise Japan nor any Japanese products. We are just here to provide useful information for expats, tourists and of course, people live in Japan who have gluten intolerance or celiac disease 🙂

Reality -Gluten free means wheat free !?!?

This one clearly said Gluten free but it contained gluten, just wheat free.

Unfortunately, Japan is still behind for Gluten free due to the different label requirements (only 7 main ingredients; peanuts, prawn, crab, wheat, dairy, eggs and buckwheat). As you may notice, oats, rye and barley are not included in this list. Although these three ingredients are not so common in Japanese cuisine, they can be so tricky sometimes. To be honest, we have seen many products, which are not GF, but saying “Gluten free”, in their correct meaning “wheat free”. We personally contacted one of confectionary companies to point this out, then surprisingly they answered they are putting “Gluten Free” labelling under Japanese food requirements, not necessarily world standard. we were quite upset when I heard this. What if people who have a celiac disease are excited to try this because of this wrong labelling and get sick later…? But this is an example of wrong recognition of gluten free in Japan. 🙁 Also Japanese gluten free products are quite often produced in the same line as gluten ingredients. So it is more likely “may contain gluten”, “gluten friendly” products, not really celiac friendly.

Do not trust Japanese labelling, trust yourself

We strongly recommend you to reconfirm the labelling on the back ( ingredients regardless Gluten free labelling. If you see the character “麦”, you need to be carful. Mugi is the Chinese character (Kanji) of grain, which containers gluten. All gluten ingredients are shown together with this Kanji. 小麦 wheat、オーツ麦 Oates; sometimes describes as オートミール oatmeal、ライ麦 Rye、大麦 Barley). It might just be said “wheat free” as wheat needs to be stated clearly in Japanese labelling, but nothing bad to be cautious in this particularly case.

Don’t be disappointed

Though the reality is quite tough and unfortunate, there are still some hopes too. In last five years, the number of gluten free products in Japanese food and service industries are dramatically increased. One of reasons is Japanese yen is weaker and weaker. Most of wheat flour in Japan are imported from overseas. So some companies are shifting to use rice flour or any other alternative powders. Another reason is Japanese people love to keep “healthy life style”. if one product, for example banana, is introduced as healthy and good for diet, you will see banana related products everywhere in a couple of months. Gluten free life has been introduced quite recent. Therefore, now it is getting popular. We cannot wait to share some products and restaurants which are purely GF in here 🙂

About Celiac disease (セリアック病)


This is an introduction of Celiac disease for Japanese. Celiac disease is not common at all in Japan, in fact most of them don’t even hear about it. I was the one of them until I met my husband who is Celiac. I was so surprised/shocked that most Japanese food contain gluten and there are not many option for him to try. So hopefully I can spread out these information more, then Japanese people can understand their requirements fully when they meet people who have celiac disease.


Symptoms -どんな症状が出るのか?





